Essential Interview Preparation

How Do You Prepare for a Job Interview in the Fire & Security Industry?

Everyone gets nervous when they are due to have an interview. That is completely normal. How do you mitigate those nerves? You get prepared. We want to help you to make sure that your interview technique is absolutely spot-on so we have created a number of digital assets and tutorials to help you through.

The Interview Checklist

Preparation is everything. It will mean that you’ll have all the answers but will also show that you are keen and will be a good fit for the role. To start this process we recommend that you download our Interview Checklist. This simple list will help you structure your whole approach to the job interview and you can even take it along to make sure that you don’t miss explaining or asking a vital question. We want you to leave the interview having no regrets and knowing that you represented yourself as well as possible to give you an edge over the less prepared candidates.

Business Research

As explained in our Career Toolkit, conducting appropriate research is now an essential part of most interviews. Gone are the days where you could spend five minutes on the company website prior to walking in and expect that to cover off the necessary company knowledge. The best way to break this down is to look at your business research across three key areas.

1. The Past. What is their story? What awards do they have? What do they do differently?

A full understanding of why the business was founded and how they have operated will hold you in good stead for the interview.

2. The Here & Now. How did the company respond to the Covid lock down? What is the business doing to move forwards?

Looking at current operations will give you the heads up for any discussions around current company procedures and open up questions that allow you to directly relate to where the company currently is.

3. The Future. This is essential to consider your career progress. Where will the job lead? Does the employer have a clear plan for the future?

Any business with a solid plan will gladly sit down and discuss it with you. It opens up the opportunity to talk about how you would help the company to move forwards but also for you to reflect upon whether or not the company will look after your future too.

The Interview is a Two Way Street

You are not there just to have questions fired at you. It’s easy to make any interview a two way process where it’s all about having an in-depth conversation about how you would fit into the role and the company moving forwards. Let us teach you how.

Get to Know the Interviewer

Who is interviewing you? Do they have a LinkedIn profile? What can you find out about them? You may find that in a niche industry such as Fire & Security that there will be a crossover between you and the interviewer. Do they create blogs, expert pieces or take part in podcasts? You may have taken the same courses or worked at the same places. You may share online group memberships or follow the same thought leaders. You can look through their digital content. Anything that you can find that will help you show you have things in common can help break the ice & open a valid discussion point in the interview. This will help you level the playing field and get on the same footing as the interviewer. You could print out the LinkedIn profile of the interviewer and highlight sections that you would like to talk about. It will appeal to the ego of the interviewer and they will be more interested in you due to the thoroughness of your preparation.

Consider the Opportunity

Can you imaging spending years at the company? Is the opportunity genuine? How will the job look in six months? How about two years? You need to make sure that you are looking at the right opportunity for the right reasons. Whether you are looking to move up through the company, hope to gain certain training or a simply looking for an upwards salary path then it’s important to consider this and be ready to ask questions to clarify the situation that you would be taking on.

We Have Made It Easy to Prepare

Download your interview checklist and use the video tools to help you flesh out the document. This will form an essential tool for you to navigate your Fire & Security job interview. If the job is via CSR our team will know the company and we will be able to help you to prepare as best as you can. If this is an external or direct interview that you have found for yourself our tools will give you all the information that you need for success. Simply sign-in to our Career Toolkit today, go to the section on job interview preparation & in a very short amount of time you’ll be armed with all that you need to have a perfect job interview.

Every Job is Easier if You Have the Right Tools

Why would ajob applicationbe any different?

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